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How 51 year old Elka lost 98 lbs on the “No Rules” Diet Plan

How 51 year old Elka lost 98 lbs on the “No Rules” Diet Plan

How 51 year old Elka lost 98 lbs on the “No Rules” Diet Plan

Without Ozempic, a gym membership or supplements!

Without Ozempic, a gym membership or supplements!

Without Ozempic, a gym membership or supplements!

Learn this 3-step, no-rules diet system and lose INCHES in the next 30 days

Learn this 3-step, no-rules diet system and lose INCHES in the next 30 days

Learn this 3-step, no-rules diet system and lose INCHES in the next 30 days



Register now, and I’ll send the first 1000 people a SURPRISE FREE GIFT worth $197!


These menopausal members created CRAZY body transformations using our UNIQUE, 3-step, secret strategy

These menopausal members created CRAZY body transformations using our UNIQUE, 3-step, secret strategy

These menopausal members created CRAZY body transformations using our UNIQUE, 3-step, secret strategy


Register now, and I’ll send the first 1000 people a SURPRISE FREE GIFT worth $197!

Kim Constable

Founder, The Sculpted Menopause

I know first-hand how uncomfortable (and sometimes downright painful) it is to start something new.

Most people have never pushed past the discomfort to achieve anything worthwhile. And this is their biggest mistake. Maintaining wealth, muscle, or relationships is so much easier once you’ve achieved them, but you have to work to get there first. 

I managed to build a multi-million dollar company with $30M in revenue while competing on stage 9 times in three years with four young kids.  I had no help at home and a husband who worked away a lot.  I did it by becoming a master of time management.

“The first thing you need to do to achieve success in anything is learn to be okay with being uncomfortable”

You need to seek discomfort and make it your friend.  Just like your muscles get stronger from training in the gym, your discomfort level gets stronger too.  If you don’t learn this valuable skill, you’ll never achieve anything in life.

During this challenge, I’m going to push you far outside your comfort zone. I’m going to push you to take massive action and show you how seeking discomfort is the key to success in anything you do in life.

I will be there with you every step of the way. You will not do any of this alone, I promise.

I can’t wait for your confidence to soar as you undergo this challenge! Let’s do this!

Love, Kim xo

Transformation Of The Month

Transformation Of The Month


Elka Adams

Elka Adams

Elka Adams

100lbs lost in 6 months

100lbs lost in 6 months

100lbs lost in 6 months

Everything we do at The Sculpted Menopause is fuelled by customers just like Elka. She is a beacon for everything we do and helps inspire our thriving community of other menopausal women.

"Stop listening to that voice that says its not possible"

"Stop listening to that voice that says its not possible"

"Stop listening to that voice that says its not possible"


Watch Elkas Story

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